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How effective is thread lift treatments?

How effective is thread lift treatment? thread lift treatment in Bangalore at Reeage

A thread lift is a type of procedure wherein temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible “lift” in the skin. Instead of removing the patient’s loose facial skin surgically, the cosmetic surgeon simply suspends it by stitching up portions of it.

The non-surgical face and neck lift solution, lifting & tightening the skin by stimulating new collagen production, providing resolution of wrinkles, tightening pores & creating volume, lift and tighten sagging skin instantly.

Lifting treatments that use special threads have been executed for several years. Over these years many different kinds of threads are appeared on the market: silhouette, Aptos, Happy lift, etc., The latest product used in such treatments is called PDO thread in contrast to the previously used threads, PDO threads do not have hooks and tapers that raised the tissue. The lifting effect is achieved by the special threads weave and the substance polydioxanone (PDO) from which the threads are made. PDO has properties that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin thus providing lift and improved skin quality to the area treated.

This technology is acclaimed globally for face and body contouring

what are PDO threads:

Polydioxanone has been used in medicine for over 20 years, mainly for absorbable threads used in surgery.

The PDO thread introduction technology is based on using the natural skin tension lines, which also causes an effect similar to a surgical facelift. Thanks to the PDO threads, we can also limit the strength of facial muscles. By introducing the PDO thread into the skin, we get an immediate improvement in skin appearance.

The procedure is suitable for most people from 25 onwards when the effects of aging become apparent. Aging causes the skin tissue to thin because the collagen and elastin, Ground Substance, Microcirculation, fibers break down, which results in sagging skin, deep decreases, folds & wrinkles

PDO threads trigger the skin rejuvenation process producing new collagen, lifting and tightening the skin, smoothing wrinkles, tightening up pores & producing volume, giving a more youthful appearance to the skin. These threads are broken down slowly and predictably and so fully absorbed in 180-240 days.

Reeage providing best thread lift services in bangalore and Hyderabad. Delivered thread lift treatment successfully to all their customers

Areas of thread lift treatment:

     1. Facelift

     2. Abdomen tightening

     3. V-shaped jawline

     4. Nose lift

     5. Post-pregnancy breast sagging

     6. Horizontal and vertical forehead wrinkles

     7. Lowered outer eyebrow ends

     8. Flaccid tissue, sagging eyebrows

     9. Cheeks

     10. Nasolabial folds (smile lines)

     11. Double chin

     12. Wrinkles on the neck

     13. Wrinkles on the cleavage

Best thread lift treatment in Bangloare / Best thread lift treatment in Hyderabad

Why Skin Boosters?

Why Skin Boosters? Skin Boosters treatment in Bangalore at ReeAge

The science behind the original first Skin boosters

Skin boosters  – A fresh approach to skin rejuvenation, designed to deliver hydration and improvements to skin imperfections resulting in radiant healthy skin

What happens with the skin’s hydro balance as we age?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in our bodies. It can bind huge amounts of water and keeps our body tissues hydrated, soft & flexible. From the age of 28, we lose around 1% per year of the hyaluronic acid in our skin. With time, or due to exposure to environmental factors, our skin may become dry, fine lines and wrinkles may start to appear and the skin can lose its natural radiance.1 It is often difficult to restore the skin’s inner hydro balance by using creams that are applied on the skin surface. To hydrate and improve skin quality from within you need treatments that have a long-lasting effect below the skin surface.

Restoring hydration and skin quality from within

Natural hyaluronic acid in our bodies forms long molecular chains. This naturally occurring hyaluronic acid forms and degrades quickly, in 24-48 hours.  Skin boosters contains hyaluronic acid that has been stabilized with a cross-linking technology so that it does not degrade at the same rate. As a result,  Skin boosters will provide a long-lasting hydrating effect in your skin.

By injecting microdroplets just below the skin surface,  Skinboosters restores the natural composition of the skin, boosts hydration & improves elasticity.

Why skin boosters?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of your skin that keeps it hydrated and soft. With age, or due to a harsh environment, the hyaluronic acid content in your skin may decrease, and your skin may lose some of its elasticity and hydration.  Skin boosters restores the natural composition of your skin. It boosts skin elasticity2 and you will notice a reduction of skin roughness3. Your skin becomes smooth and hydrated for a refreshed and healthy look.

Skin boosters

Fresh products can help to gradually improve your skin’s condition, increasing elasticity, and reducing fine lines and imperfections. A refreshed look can be achieved with Skin boosters treatments and  Skincare line.

Feel the difference in your skin

Do you wish for skin with a radiance and smoothness that you will see, feel & love? Skin boosters will make you feel great about your skin again.

After a few treatments, as advised by your practitioner you’ll find that your skin will become smoother, more radiant, and more elastic. The skin of your face, hands, neck & décolletage can be improved. The results can make a world of difference to the way you feel about your skin.

  •  Skin boosters have been used by aesthetic physicians for over 12 years and over 3.5 million treatments have been performed at that time.
  • Injections are typically administered over the course of 2-3 treatment sessions, 2–4 weeks apart, to restore your skin’s elasticity and smoothness in a gradual way.
  • Regular maintenance sessions (approximately every 6 months) occur as planned with your practitioner ensuring lasting results.

Clinical studies prove the lasting impact of a  Skin boosters treatment with improvement in skin elasticity of the face and hands for up to 12 months after the initial treatment.

Treatment areas

Skin boosters is a versatile and effective solution for skin concerns in the face, neck, décolletage & hands.

Skin boosters in Bangalore

Skin boosters in Hyderabad

Thread lift treatment in Bangalore

Is thread lift an answer to sagging skin and skin folds?

Thread lifting is a procedure that works to tackle sags and folds. The procedure is becoming more popular than ever before, as demand grows for skin care where less is more. Hailed as a solution for both women and men that side-steps the commitment and healing time required for a face lift, invisible fine threads placed in the skin can get to places on faces that other procedures cannot reach.
While thread-lifting’s touch may comparatively be light, it’s not to be undertaken so lightly. Doctors of Aesthetics at Ree Age, have narrated this procedure to take you through the key things you need to know from the outset, so when you get it first time, get fair value for what you pay for. Before even booking an appointment, get to grips with what the treatments involve. That will give you confidence and put you in a much stronger position to judge whether what you are offered is what you are looking for! So, don’t be misled by the term either.
However, in this procedure, one type of thread definitely does not suit all, so being able to decide what is the right one for you with the right doctor is vital. A successful outcome and investment well spent, comes down to matching a client’s concerns about ageing and their expectations.
You must be able pin point what result you want; knowing what result you want will help guide you as to what thread-lifting procedure is best. You must decide whether you need skin rejuvenation to look fresher or skin lifting to remove noticeable lines and folds.
There are three different procedures known generally as:
1. Surgical thread lifting,
2. Non-surgical threat lifting
3. Beauty threads.
While all treatments are used mainly for the face, they can sometimes be applied on the neck, cleavage and even body areas too. All three procedures will stimulate the production of collagen (the protein that gives our skin its youthful appearance), restoring firmness. This means beauty threads, which do not lift, can result in a subtle increase in firmness in patients aged 30 to 40, the result of the skin’s condition improving. All types of threads will tighten the surrounding tissues and increase blood supply which in turn can lead to healthier, firmer skin. It’s essential that whoever treats you is properly qualified and has thread- lifting experience. At Ree Age we have medically qualified and experienced team of thread lifting specialist who will look after patients.[since it is a medical procedure we call them patients who undergo this treatments.
Remember: some practitioners, who may unable to offer surgical and non-surgical options, may suggest beauty threads instead of other two. Remember this does not mean this is the correct course for you. A thorough consultation can reveal what you are expecting and what they are offering; both should match to get desired results. Experts take account of a client’s biological age, but even more relevant is their ageing profile and relevant factors such as diet and previous illnesses etc.
Each thread-lifting procedure can be applied individually, and sometimes a combination is the right course. They can also be used with other techniques such as fillers.

To be completed by a cosmetic surgeon or an aesthetic doctor. Surgical thread-lifting can be compared to a face lift and procedures fall into two categories. FREE FLOATING THREADS are inserted beneath the skin under a local anesthetic and pulled into place, creating a lift that usually lasts between one to two years. FIXED THREADS, attached to the skin’s underlying structures, are capable of delivering a more radical, face-lift type result and are often combined with excess skin removal for best results. This lasts from two to four years. Recovery: for any swelling or bruising to go down, takes from 7 to 14 days.
Non-surgical threads are the middle way. The discreet and subtle option best suited for the people aged 35 to 55. They rev up collagen production, are less radical than the surgical option, but do have lifting benefits significant enough to make a noticeable difference. (Again it is highly advisable that the procedure is completed by a cosmetic surgeon, aesthetic doctor or qualified medical practitioner in this area.) Usually 4 to 16 threads are applied in this treatment, requires a local anesthesia that can last from 20 minutes to an hour. Expect mild to moderate swelling, but recovery time is on average one or two days.
The threads, which come in different lengths, are pulled up to create the lift and can be successfully combined with filler and other treatments. The results last from 10 to 18 months, however the collagen boost goes on for longer and can be followed by top-ups. While all treatments are used mainly for the face, they can be applied to other areas too.
This is the treatment becoming most widely available, and with the most potential for client confusion and disappointed expectations. However beauty threads do have benefits for younger skin and can make the most of other procedures. Beauty threads work by prompting the skin into producing collagen. Getting good advice beforehand about what is being used is crucial, most materials have a similar effect so don’t be bamboozled into thinking one type is superior to another. Beware also any claims that these threads can drastically reduce fat.
In younger skins this means they will prolong its youthful radiance, but they will not produce a lift in the conventional sense, no matter what age the patient is. However because beauty threads create collagen, the skin does appear more firm and tighter. They also do boost the effectiveness of other procedures. Beauty threads are shorter, typically five centimeters or two inches, and are placed in multiples, sometimes up to 100 in a session that will involve a local anesthetic. This takes about 10 to 30 minutes where a grid is built up. Bruising and swelling do occur depending on the number of threads used. The benefits can last up to year or 18 months.

Causes of under eye dark circle

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Story at-a-glance
• Dark circles under your eyes may appear because of thin skin or because of hyper pigmentation around your eyes
• In some cases, dark circles are accompanied by sagging skin, also known as bags, under your eyes
• Both dark circles and sagging skin are related to environment factors and genetics, and both may be affected by the choices you make each day

At one time or another, most people are plagued with dark circles under their eyes. Whether you are overly tired, aging or suffering from allergies, you may be faced with dark circles in your mirror.
However, while they are not dangerous to your health, the condition does have a psychological effect on how you see yourself and what others think when they meet you. Despite warnings not to make first impressions from the way others look, the reality is that virtually everyone does it.1
There are changes you can make that will reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. Some are easy and others are a bit more challenging. However, the result will be that you’ll no longer look as tired and worn-out when you first get up in the morning.
Thin Skin and the Color of Your Blood
The reasons for dark circles are varied, but they all start with the difference in thickness of the skin around your eyes. This is called the periorbital area. In most areas of your body, the skin is between 2 and 3 millimeters (mm) thick. However, under the eyes the skin is normally 0.5 mm in thickness.
Thinner skin means the blood vessels under your skin are more visible to the naked eye and produce a different color to your skin. Here’s where what you see on the surface is a reflection of what’s directly below.
Your skin and the tissue directly below the outside layer of skin, called the subcutaneous tissue, only allow blue or violet wavelengths to pass through. This results in your veins appearing blue, because only the blue light is reflected back.2
This reflected color is different if you have darker or whiter (albino) skin. In the former case, the veins will appear green or brown and in the latter, dark purple or dark red.
This is just one of the reasons dark circles appear below your eyes. You are more likely to see the bluish hint of blood vessels below your eyes, compared to thicker skinned areas of your body. As you age, your skin also loses collagen and elasticity, making the skin thinner and your circles more prominent.
Not All Dark Circles Are Created Equally
Not all circles are due to the visibility of your blood vessels beneath thin skin, though. While this is a common reason, and a higher probability if you are genetically more prone to thin skin under the eyes, it isn’t the only reason.
The second type of circle is caused from hyper pigmentation of the skin under the eyes and is more commonly brown in color.3 This hyper pigmentation, or higher amount of pigmentation in the skin, is the result of more melanin being produced in the skin under the eyes.
This particular condition is more noticeable in people whose skin is normally darker or has more pigmentation. In a study by the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Medical College in India, researchers found dark circles under the eyes was the most common condition found in a routine dermatology practice.4
This type of dark circles caused by hyper pigmentation can have either a primary or secondary cause. In a primary cause the increased pigmentation is found under both eyes and occurs spontaneously. In a secondary cause, the increased pigmentation is caused by a systemic or localized process.5
Some of the causes believed to contribute to hyper pigmentation around the periorbital area are temporary and resolve after the irritant has been removed. Possible temporary and permanent triggers for periorbital hyper pigmentation include:6
Dark circles under your eyes may also be triggered from the oxidation of blood leaking from the blood vessels around the eyes. The release of blood and oxidation leads to not only dark circles, but also swelling and bags under your eyes.7
This occurs when the body attempts to clear blood leakage from a thin-skinned area easily affected by gravity.
This condition is relatively harmless to your health, but can be a challenge to deal with. There are surgical and medical treatments available to stop the blood leaking, but it is best to start with lifestyle changes and nutrition to treat the condition and avoid other more invasive options.
Bags with Your Dark Circles?
Another condition that can make your dark circles appear even darker and more noticeable is swelling under the eyes, commonly called bags. When you are young, this swelling may be caused by allergic reactions, illness or an excessive buildup of fluid in your body.8
As you age there are yet other reasons for developing puffiness and swelling under your eyes. The effect of gravity on tissue that is slowly losing collagen and elasticity can result in tissue sagging. This includes the fat under your eye tissue.9
Fat deposits around your eyes help protect them. As you age, fat may escape from the membrane normally containing it, resulting in the fat falling beneath the eye, causing bagging.
However, in recent research published in Clinical Neurophysiology, scientists discovered the possibility of another reason for the fat deposits beneath your eyes.
Plastic surgeons from California found that in study participants, it wasn’t the fat that escaped the membranes with age, but rather the body produced more fat in the eye area, creating the bags.10
The exact mechanism of the fat deposits beneath the eye may not be completely understood, but doctors recognize the increased risk of bags under your eyes as you age.
Although you might be tempted to point the finger at a lack of sleep and rest to the increasing size of the bags under your eyes, there is no scientific proof linking this cause and effect. However, lack of sleep does increase the severity of the puffiness under your eyes, especially first thing in the morning.

Tips to control signs of ageing by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore, India

TIPS TO CONTROL SIGNS OF AGEING by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore, India

Tips to control signs of ageing by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore, India

Have you all ever wondered, that how some people don’t seem to age? Well, the first step to decode the Mystery of super aging is that Biological aging is more in our control than we think. Let’s look into a few cause and prevention tips.
Minimize wrinkled look on the face- protect yourself from the sun whichever the season and especially when the age is already high. Consider applying anti skin tans.
Secondly and most important is sleep for the skin to heal and breathe and age with the correct pace a sleep duration of 7 good hours is necessary.
Wash and moisturize often, this will keep the skin toxic free and will have gradual aging in the long term. Moisturizers nourish the skin and keep them hydrated. Dry skin damages the skin cells and top layer adding to patches and unevenness.

Hydration is often neglected, drink plenty of water, even though the outer layer of skin are dead cells, they bind well and dry up if one is dehydrating.
Use natural remedies as well to moisten parts of the skin that appear to be worked up more than the rest. This can help absorb the excess heat which is another culprit in drying up the skin.

So far, we have discussed about the ways in which the environment affects our complexion and skin dryness, but one needs to phase out habits if they do indulge in them. Smoking and alcohol consumption in excess that the body can cope with also leads to deteriorating skin and body cells that affect the overall bodily systems.
We take a step to phase out bad habits including over eating and consuming a lot of processed foods which are hard on the digestive system and form a routine to eat light and healthy.

Last but not least, one must use minimal skin cosmetics, especially synthetic or chemical based and prefer the use of natural or even minimal cosmetics that may react unwantedly with the body and skin.

Apply these suggestions to make your aging healthier and happier.
Reprogram your idea of old age and aging. Go ahead. Add a decade!

Glutathione the skin whitening treatment in Bangalore

Glutathione treatment for Skin Whitening & Hyper Pigmentation in Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Which treatment is best for Skin Whitening?

Does Skin Whitening treatment really works?

How can i get permanent Skin Whitening?

Your all questions will be answered here in this blog.

Glutathione treatment for Skin Whitening & Hyper Pigmentation.

Glutathione is new trend for lightening skin nearly 3-4 shades. Glutathione is supposed to be extremely safe for skin whitening purposes, however lets understand it more in depth to decide why we need it. Why Glutathione? Because it peels the skin, thereby whitening it and giving a new look. Its more effective than any home remedy and fairness creams that try your patience. Sounds interesting?

You might have heard people saying put tomato and papaya on you face as a mask, or certain beauty specialist telling you to consume oranges, spinach, walnuts etc along with tomatoes. But the straight fact it, these food items are actually carrying a percentage of glutathione in them. But the sad truth is, it doesn’t guarantee results and nor does it start showing an effect the minute it is consumed.

Glutathione is an anti-oxidant abundantly available in nature. It is found in plants, animals and many bacteria. Glutathione is manufactured inside human body by using Amino Acids naturally. It holds the capacity to kill toxins and free radicals in your body, whiten your skin tone and improve hyper-pigmentation.

With increase in age or with any disease, the production of this anti-oxidant reduces and therefore the need to supplement the body orally or by injecting is the new trend to keep the glow and health intact.

However, this treatment doesn’t not give dramatic effects overnight. It binds within you and hence it will be slow but efficient. Not a very costly treatment but gives a long-term effect though not permanent.

So, the dilemma is resolved. Go for it! Call now @9513315040 to fix your appointment near your place.

Remedies for Beautiful Skin - Try right Now!

Remedies for Beautiful Skin by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore


Remedies for Beautiful Skin – Try right Now!

As seasons change, most people are seen shopping for their skincare products, stocking up moisturizers if it’s winter and nourishing items for summer. Every other year we see many changing their regimes and trying different methods to achieve one common goal- Beautiful Skin for the whole year. So below are few tips for effective Results, this year and always:

  • It goes without saying that water is life. Drink plenty of water no matter what the place or season. This is the only key to keep your skin moist and avoid scaling. Water will also help your metabolism and proper digestion. Finally, it’s the type of food intake and its journey in the stomach that manifests on the face.


  • One’s diet is very critical in the appearance of his or her skin. If you take in a lot of sugars, fats, and oils, it’s going to be reflected in your skin. So go with Acne fighting foods. Heal yourself with the right food.


  • Limit Sun exposure and use natural skin products whenever possible. Cleanse your face every time you visit a sandy and dusty place.


  • Common food items like Turmeric, Aloe Vera, Lemon, Papaya and Honey are known for bringing a glow to the skin. They also remove toxins and make the skin more breathable. Once in a while, oil your body and all dry patches along with hell cracks.


  • Sleep properly everyday and engage yourself in stress relieving activities. Massage will help you relax.

Always strive to be the best version of you!

Make your skin happy naturally!

Acne No More, Remedies for Acne by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore

There’s no secret ingredient or miracle gadget that makes scars disappear. Many feel a hopeless vibe when they see acne overnight just because there are no instant remedies. However, don’t get discouraged, though. It’s a healing crisis which sometimes happens when things are worse for a while because you’re actually getting better. Try the below remedies.

Dermal (Injectable) Fillers Usage facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance

Injectable filler (injectable cosmetic filler / injectable facial filler) is a soft tissue filler injected into the skin to help fill in facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance. Most of these wrinkle fillers are temporary because they are eventually absorbed by the body. Some people may need more than one injection to achieve the wrinkle-smoothing effect. The effect lasts for about six months or longer. Successful results depend on health of the skin, skill of the health care provider, type of filler used.

Skin and Hair Care tips for monsoon season

1. Use a foaming facewash during monsoons as there is lot of moisture in the air. 2. Avoid oil-based makeup products during monsoons. Make sure you use mineral-based foundations for make-up during monsoons. 3. It is very humid during monsoon season, which causes itchiness on the scalp. Make sure use warm coconut oil for a Hair massage. Incase you are suffering from dandruff, we recommend Neem leaves.