TIPS TO CONTROL SIGNS OF AGEING by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore, India
Tips to control signs of ageing by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore, India
Have you all ever wondered, that how some people don’t seem to age? Well, the first step to decode the Mystery of super aging is that Biological aging is more in our control than we think. Let’s look into a few cause and prevention tips.
Minimize wrinkled look on the face- protect yourself from the sun whichever the season and especially when the age is already high. Consider applying anti skin tans.
Secondly and most important is sleep for the skin to heal and breathe and age with the correct pace a sleep duration of 7 good hours is necessary.
Wash and moisturize often, this will keep the skin toxic free and will have gradual aging in the long term. Moisturizers nourish the skin and keep them hydrated. Dry skin damages the skin cells and top layer adding to patches and unevenness.
Hydration is often neglected, drink plenty of water, even though the outer layer of skin are dead cells, they bind well and dry up if one is dehydrating.
Use natural remedies as well to moisten parts of the skin that appear to be worked up more than the rest. This can help absorb the excess heat which is another culprit in drying up the skin.
So far, we have discussed about the ways in which the environment affects our complexion and skin dryness, but one needs to phase out habits if they do indulge in them. Smoking and alcohol consumption in excess that the body can cope with also leads to deteriorating skin and body cells that affect the overall bodily systems.
We take a step to phase out bad habits including over eating and consuming a lot of processed foods which are hard on the digestive system and form a routine to eat light and healthy.
Last but not least, one must use minimal skin cosmetics, especially synthetic or chemical based and prefer the use of natural or even minimal cosmetics that may react unwantedly with the body and skin.
Apply these suggestions to make your aging healthier and happier.
Reprogram your idea of old age and aging. Go ahead. Add a decade!