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Tips to control Hair Fall & Hair Regrowth by ReeAge Clinic, Bangalore



If one would know the root cause for falling hair, they could understand the small steps required to take for healthy hair. As our attempt to clear a few basics for you… Let’s look into the science of it. As hair fall is conventionally related to aging, virtually anybody can have and show those symptoms. However, shedding hair is different from hair loss. Shedding is a part of the cycle, dormant hair sheds. But hairs that fall are not true in nature. What are the reasons for it? Look at a few things that damage and cause hair fall…these are the ones you should avoid.

How you treat your hair: Harsh hairstyles or hair treatments- Hairstyles that consistently use rubber bands, rollers, wigs, or pull hair into tight styles can damage hair follicles. Harmful chemical products such as dyes, bleach and straightener and their wrong and frequent use also contribute to the hair fall. Depending on the degree of damage, resulting hair loss can be permanent.

Nutritional deficits, vitamins, and medications: Cancer attacks hair follicles and so does many such medicinal problems. Apart from hormones (which can be regulated and brought back to balance), medical history can’t really be altered. Also, heavy dieting and bad food regime severely affect the health of the hair. It shuns the growth from the follicles itself. Insufficient nutrient supply is the cause of this.

So start to reroute yourself. Consider your diet, Take your supplements, break the bad habit of frequent smoking and drinking, increase water intake, keep yourself at peace-free from stress and frustration, exercise more to unclog your hair pores but also keep the scalp sweat free, essentially oil your scalp at least twice a week to keep it nourished. No matter what the season these tips will help you protect your hair all around the year throughout the lifetime.


Ways to tighten your sagging skin

Remedies for Sagging Skin by Reeage Clinic, Bangalore

Does your skin jiggle when you are climbing down stairs? Do you sometimes pull back your skin on your face and wish it would have stayed there? Then skin tightening is the solution for you. You might be aware of all the possible sources available like either Home remedies or dermatology suggested solutions or surgical treatments. Have a look at the few most effective options available from the mixed palette.

If you are looking for facelift options bottled up in a jar, you will be probably disappointed as facelift creams. Skin tightening solutions in bottles, even after many claims, don’t seem much effective as we expect. All these solutions are subtle and after their use, you will still be hunting for a long lasting skin lift solution. So one option is to go for non-invasive methods where the lift happens gradually and naturally without any wound or scar leaving your skin intact.  If you opt for a non-invasive skin tightening procedure, you’ll likely have one of these; Ultrasound, Radio-frequency, laser Treatment etc. Few invasive surgeries include MESO COCKTAILS, FILLER injections and thread lift.

Apart from these, there are few preventative solutions too. If the cause of your saggy skin is not your age, then it can be too much of sun exposure, too much weight loss in less time. This directly tells you what should be avoided. If proper skin care is not taken or your work demands to be in the sun for long hours, you need to have a skincare regime to look of your age. As far as weight loss is concerned, heavy diet plans, starving will only give muscle loss or loose skin.

In order to maintain skin elasticity and tightness, what you eat everyday matters. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the synthesis of collagen. Vitamin A as it helps to maintain the skin’s structure. Vitamin E helps to keep the skin nourished and supple. So Maintaining a healthy diet and weight, avoiding smoking, less alcohol consumption, eating proteins and vitamin-rich foods, less sun exposure all the long term strategies for good skin elasticity.

Always remain hydrated. Be kind to your Skin!